CS 7450 - Information Visualization - Spring 2023


Vis Application Development

Below are some resources that we will use in learning how to develop visualization applications on the web.

Jan. 12 and 19 -- Vega-Lite


  • Vega-Lite home
  • Documentation
  • Tutorials
  • Interactive Editor
  • JSON Wikipedia page
  • CSV and JSON datasets for use with Vega-Lite

    Jan. 26 -- D3: Introduction

  • Data Visualization Libraries , K. Wongsuphasawat
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Visual Studio Code's Live Server
  • D3 official website
  • Observable
  • D3.js Graph Gallery
  • How to learn D3, Amelia Wattenberger
  • D3 course, Curran Kelleher

    Showcase Examples
  • How America moves its homeless
  • Inside Scoop of Ben & Jerry's
  • Dragon Ball Z fights
  • Every line in Hamilton
  • NBA GameViz
  • NBA LineupViz
  • NBA Buckets

    Feb. 2 -- D3: HTML, DOM, CSS, SVG

  • HTML Tutorial
  • CSS Tutorial
  • CSS Selectors
  • SVG
  • SVG Tutorial

  • Mengyuan Li (Cynthia)

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