Exploring the Evolution of Movie Genre Distributions: A Cinematic Journey Through Time

Embark on a fascinating exploration of movie genre distributions over the years, as we delve into the ever-evolving landscape of cinema from 1915 to 2013. Our journey takes us through the fluctuating popularity of various genres, as well as the emergence of new cinematic trends. With each passing decade, moviegoers' tastes and preferences have transformed, giving rise to unique storytelling experiences and innovative styles that have shaped the film industry as we know it today.


Exploring Hollywood's Genres

Delve into the diverse world of Hollywood genres, from timeless classics to modern masterpieces. With a rich history spanning over a century, the film industry has continuously evolved to captivate audiences through unique and innovative storytelling experiences across various genres.

Each dot represents a genre. Hover over a dot to check the genre.

Genre by Sentiment Scores

Discover the correlation between movie genres and sentiment scores, shedding light on the emotional impact of different storytelling styles. Sentiment analysis reveals the genres that evoke strong emotions, and how these emotions contribute to a film's success and popularity.

In general people really enjoy Drama, Documentary, and Advanture genres: they are above average score by more than 0.1. Romance, Sci-Fi, Animation, Family and Fantasy are considered average go-to: they get around average score. Action, Comedy, Horror and Thriller are not usually liked: below average score by more than 0.1.

Each dot represents a genre. Hover over a dot to check the genre.

Number of Movies by Distribution Magnitude

Examine the distribution magnitude of movies across genres, revealing the evolving interests and demands of moviegoers. This analysis allows us to identify trends in the film industry and provides insights into the factors that influence the production and popularity of various genres.

There are a lot of movies in Drama and Action.

Not many Anmation or Horror.

Documentary is very very few.

Each dot represents a genre. Hover over a dot to check the genre.

Position in x-axis by sentiment

Explore the positioning of movie genres on the x-axis based on sentiment, showcasing how different genres trigger varying emotional responses. By understanding the connection between sentiment and genre, filmmakers can better cater to audience preferences and expectations.

Now we can see that people really dislike Horror movies!

And they really really love Documentaries!!

Position in y-axis by magnitude

Uncover the relationship between movie genres and their magnitude on the y-axis, illustrating the influence of genre on a film's success. This analysis highlights the importance of selecting the right genre to maximize a movie's appeal and reach in the industry.

We do produce a lot of Drama, don't we?

Points in dots

Through the chart, we discover movie genres as dots, with Drama and Action having many movies, and Animation and Horror having few. Documentaries are rare, and people dislike Horror but love Documentaries. Drama movies are highly produced, leaving us with questions about the film industry and audience preferences.

Stacking Up: A stacked bar chart

The stacked bar chart provides a concise overview of the film industry, highlighting the factors that contribute to a movie's success over time. It allows us to compare the performance of different movie genres, guiding our movie choices.

Hover over to check the genre.

About the IMDB score

The IMDB score is a widely recognized benchmark for movie ratings, providing a valuable metric to gauge a film's success. By understanding the factors that influence IMDB scores, filmmakers can better tailor their productions to resonate with audiences and achieve higher ratings.

Let's take a closer look at the IMDB scores, what else contribution to the success of a movie?

Bubble Plot: IMDB Score Against Popularity and Budget

The bubble plot reveals that a director's reputation has a big impact on a movie's success, while budget and cast popularity have a lesser effect. High-budget movies tend to receive only mediocre scores. Casts, even unknown ones, can receive good or bad reviews based on their performances. Overall, this bubble plot sheds light on the complex interplay between the different elements that contribute to a movie's reception, providing us with valuable information for making informed decisions about the movies we watch.

Use a brush to interact with the graph.

What about the score of the entire industry?

By examining the overall score of the film industry, we can gain a holistic understanding of the factors that contribute to the success of movies across genres. This analysis helps us identify trends and patterns in the industry, guiding future productions and strategies for success.

Bar Chart: IMDB Scores Against the Number of Movies

A bar chart displaying IMDB scores against the number of movies provides a clear visualization of the distribution of movie ratings. The bar chart shows that movie ratings follow a Gaussian distribution, with most movies receiving scores within a certain range. This helps us make informed decisions about which movies to watch.

The Conclusion

In conclusion, analyzing movie genre distributions, sentiment scores, and distribution magnitudes offers a fascinating insight into the history and evolution of cinema. As we look to the future, we can anticipate a continued diversification of genres and storytelling styles, opening up a world of cinematic possibilities for audiences to explore and enjoy.


As we examine the movie genre distributions, it's intriguing to observe the ebb and flow of different genres over the decades. The rise of independent cinema, foreign films, and experimental storytelling has contributed to an increasingly diverse and multifaceted industry, offering audiences a broad spectrum of experiences to choose from. With the continuous advancements in film production, it's exciting to imagine the future possibilities and the yet-to-be-discovered genres that will captivate the hearts and minds of moviegoers in the years to come.